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  • Samani Elementary 4th Graders Climb Mt. Apoi



Samani Elementary 4th Graders Climb Mt. Apoi

On Friday, August 27th, I accompanied the Samani Elementary 4th graders while they climbed Mt. Apoi. They were originally supposed to make the hike at the beginning of May, but due to a government mandated State of Emergency, it was postponed.

The Samani Elementary students, from grades 3 to 6, all climb Mt. Apoi as part of their curriculum. The 4th grader's goal was to reach the summit, and the theme of their hike was plants. The geopark guide pointed out various flowers as we hiked up the mountain.

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The 4th graders enjoyed ringing the bear bells (5th station).

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View of the summit from the 8th station. There is fog surrounding the summit which was a complete opposite from the sunny 1st station. It was a bit windy and chilly towards the top.

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Japanese Pepper tree

Photo 4.jpegThis signboard has been clawed many times by bears. There's also some bear fur that remains attached to the sign.

There aren't as many flowers to see below the 8th station, but I will introduce what we did find.

Photo 5.jpeg

Photo 6.jpegKinrobai

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Photo 8.jpeg

Photo 9.jpegDaimonjiso

Photo 10.jpeg
Benihikage butterfly

The 4th graders were great at finding things and pointing them out to me. We also encountered squirrels and a snake skin. I haven't had the opportunity to hike Mt. Apoi much during summer, so it was a nice change and a fun day.

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